Thursday, September 3, 2009

reaserch journal assignment #2

I chose my topic on nutrition and tampering with natures ways. Is it OK to fortify food with nutrients or use preservatives on food for longer shelf life. some might say yes and others would disagree. i choose this topic because it has two strong sides that see it differently and i have always had a fascination for nutrition and proper eating habits, whats best for you.
I know that for years now the government has been fortifying foods for the populations health for a while now. to what extent is that OK and then who monitors what preservatives are OK for you to ingest. i also know that most nutrition stores today don't have to be checked by the FDA.
what i want to learn about this topic is who controls this why are some things not controlled at all and what is the best thing for all of us to do to be healthy for our own well being.....

1 comment:

  1. There are so many categories that fall under nutrition, how to choose... but something I found extremely intersting and controversial (that may help you narrow your topic) is... organic food. How do you know what you are consuming is actually organic? Is organic food more beneficial nutrient or health wise than say "normal" food.
    Or... Tampering with food, specifically with hormones (Bovine). The perverse treatment to animals to enlarge productivity, and the result of such treatments on human beings (earlier development, cancer, etc). And the fact that there aren't any labeling requirements in the U.S for growth hormones in food.
